۱۳۸۸ شهریور ۲۵, چهارشنبه

docXConverter 3.1.3

Convert your .docx files to .doc:
docXConverter 3.1 allows you to easily open and use files saved in the new Word 2007 format docx, in the new Excel 2007 format xlsx and in the AppleWorks/ClarisWorks format cwk, even if the programs installed on your computer are not capable of opening docx, xlsx or cwk files.

docXConverter reads the docx, xlsx or cwk file you want to access, converts it to RTF (Rich Text Format) or CSV (Comma separated values) that are easily read by standard computer programs and instructs one of your programs to open the converted file. All this is done seamlessly and does not get in your way. The initial set-up of docXConverter is done automatically; you can be up and running in seconds. You can also adjust the settings according to your specific configurations or needs.

What is preserved in conversion?

docXConverter converts the docx or cwk format to RTF while preserving the content and form of the original docx or cwk document

Paragraphs: margins, alignment, line spacing, tabs, borders, bullets and numbering
Styles: character styles, paragraph styles, list styles, table styles
Font name, size, style and color
Headers and footers
Footnotes and endnotes
Page attributes
Document information
Graphics (with wrapping and scaling information)
Drawings and word art
Revision marks
Comments and hidden text
Language attributes
Theme information
docXConverter converts the xlsx format to CSV while preserving the data as it is displayed in the original spreadsheet as well as the row, column and cell structure of the original xlsx document

Which programs can read the converted files generated by docXConverter?

Here is a list of the most common programs that can read the RTF files produced by docXConverter:

Word processors

Microsoft Word (any version)
Corel WordPerfect for Windows (any version)
WordPad for Windows (any version)
TextEdit for Macintosh (any version)
The word processors above are not the only ones. More than 20 other word processors can read the files produced by docXConverter and show all the text attributes.

It is safe to assume that if you have any word processor on your computer you will be able to read the converted docx or cwk files. (All Windows operating systems have at least Wordpad since Windows 95 and all Macintosh have had TextEdit since Mac OS X.)

Desktop publishing programs

Adobe InDesign (any version)
Adobe PageMaker (any version)
QuarkXPress (any version)
The desktop publishing programs above are not the only ones, just the more commonly used.

Graphics programs

Adobe Illustrator (any version)
Adobe Freehand (any version)
Here is a list of the most common programs that can read the CSV files produced by docXConverter:

Spreadsheets and Databases

Microsoft Excel (any version)
All databases on Mac and Windows (Access, FileMaker etc...)
Do all programs display the converted file identically?

Some programs are able to show all the features that were converted, in which case you will get a 100% conversion. Others only partially support the converted features. These programs will show the converted document to the best of their ability. For example, revision marks are supported only by Word. If you open a docx file that contains revision marks in another program such as TextEdit, revision marks will be ignored.

Some other programs are only able to read text. For these docXConverter produces text-only files.

docXConverter settings

You can adjust the settings of docXConverter for your particular needs. You can define:

Where the converted file will be saved
Which application will be used to open the converted file
Which feedback you want to receive after doing a conversion
What format you want the docx or cwk files converted to (RTF or text).
What format you want the xlsx files converted to (CSV or text).

docXConverter language support

Version 3.x supports Roman languages, Far East languages and Eastern European languages.

docXConverter version 3.1 works on Windows 98 and beyond.
docXConverter version 3.1 works on Mac OS X 10.2 to 10.5.
docXConverter version 2.0 (without AppleWorks support) works on Mac OS 9.2



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